How Romania’s wind power market leader CEZ has modernized its receivables collection.
The CEZ Group relies on the expertise of EOS KSI. Thanks to the careful work of debt collection experts, Romania’s largest producer of green energy has achieved better results year after year.
Between the Danube and the Black Sea, the wind blows on average at a speed of 25 kilometers per hour. But that which causes farmers in the Dobrudja region of Romania problems – i.e. the strong, steady breeze which dries out their fields – makes a harvest of a different kind possible: this has been the home of Europe’s largest onshore wind farm since 2012. Operated by a Romanian subsidiary of the Czech CEZ Group, the project consists of 240 wind turbines covering 72 square kilometers. CEZ Vânzare poured 1.1 billion euros into this mammoth project, thereby becoming the largest investor in the Romanian energy market.

CEZ values transparency and digitization
The SMART project is transforming CEZ into an automated, digitized company. One of the results of this is that between 2012 and 2016, the group reduced power outages by half. Customer satisfaction is also of key importance to the company. For CEZ, transparency is part of delivering good service. “We provide our customers with easy-to-understand information on for example billing data, payment methods and energy saving options,” says Szabo.